Thursday, January 19, 2012

Alright Jerry Springer!

Jerry Springer has much to atone for in terms of his talk show that is one of the major reasons why we transwomen, and especially transwomen of color have an image problem in this country.

Outside of his waste of TV bandwith show, he is a no nonsense liberal-progressive and was the former mayor of Cincinnati.  

That thoughtful side showed up when he made Fox and Friends spokesmodel Gretchen Carlson's brain synapses fry by pointing out what we already know in reality based world that Faux News is nothing but a propaganda arm for the Republican party.

He was part of a 'fair and balanced' (yeah, right)  Fox and Friends panel discussion which was debating a recent Andrew Sullivan Newsweek article on the POTUS accompanied with a cover entitled 'Why Are President Obama's Critics So Dumb?

Hell, I could've told you the answer to that one.  Because his far right ones are informationally challenged racists too busy watching Fox Noise. 

But enjoy Jerry calling out Gretchen's bull feces. 

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