Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy President's Day 2015!

Happy President's Day!  

Today honors all presidents of the United States, and as I've done since President Obama took office, I've used the day to show some love to the best president ever when it comes to trans issues.

Been more than a little sick of the racist Massive Resistance 2.0 by the GOP and the off the charts disrespect that has been aimed at this POTUS and his entire family.

Once again haters, President Obama is in office and living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue until January 2017.

I am loving the fact President Obama is still handling his business to make this country better despite the racist animus aimed at him by the GOP and their Teapublican sheeple.

And the fact he shares my ethic heritage makes me stand a little taller and prouder when I see him and the First Lady representing our nation on their trips abroad or looking fab at state dinners.

So keep on hatin' conservahaters.   I'm loving the fact the first African-American president is surviving and successfully thriving in office to the point you have to keep ramping up the delusional hatred of him on your propaganda networks./

I'm also happy that he is setting the historical table for future presidents not cut from the same white male mold.

Happy President's Day indeed.

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